Innovation Isn’t a Verb: It’s a Mindset
Recorded On: 08/28/2018
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There’s been a lot of talk about innovation in the association community—and a lot of myths about what it really is. If innovation were easy, everyone would be doing it. But it’s not—and that’s why you’ll want to join us for this deep dive into what it takes to build an environment that supports innovation and the habits to sustain it. Author of Race for Relevance: 5 Radical Changes for Associations, Mary shares:
- Practical mindset tips to help you up your personal innovation ante
- Environmental factors that enable an organization to be more focused on problem-solving
- The role experimentation plays in innovation
- Why incremental innovation beats revolutionary strides
- Case studies about associations that innovate well
Those who innovate lead the pack. Find out how to join the small group of elite innovators!
CAE Credit: Attendees may claim 1 credit toward their CAE application or renewal professional development requirements.
Mary Byers, CAE
Mary Byers, CAE, is co-author of "Race for Relevance: Five Radical Changes for Associations" and "Road to Relevance: 5 Strategies for Competitive Associations." She’s the former director of communications and member services for the Illinois State Dental Society and served in that capacity for nine years prior to starting her consulting business in 1998. Mary specializes in working with volunteer association leaders and chief staff executives to help define their roles and clarify their vision through leadership conference programming, facilitating strategic planning retreats and coaching. Mary is a certified association executive and a member of the National Speakers Association. She is also the author of seven books.